Thursday, 31 October 2013

Ayama! what kind of tradition is this...competing to be the fattest person in a village by drinking cow blood and milk?..Lord have mercy!!

An Ethiopian village called Bodi plays host to a queer tradition where selected men compete to be the fattest in the village during the new year or Ka'el ceremony. This is how it goes,Six months before the festival,Every family is allowed to present an unmarried man for the challenge, who, after being chosen, retires to his hut and must not move or have sex for the duration.

Food comes in the form of a cow's blood and milk mixture, served regularly to the men by women from the village. The cows are sacred to the Bodi tribe so they are not killed,.The blood is taken by making a hole in a vein with a spear or an axe, and after that, they close it with clay.

read more and see more photos below.....
Because of the scorching temperatures, the men have to drink the two-litre bowl of blood and milk quickly before it coagulates but as Lafforgue reveals, not everyone can handle drinking so much at speed.

'The fat men drink milk and blood all day long,' he says. 'The first bowl of blood is drunk at sunrise. The place is invaded by flies. The man must drink it quickly before it coagulates but some cannot drink everything and vomit it.

On the day itself, the men cover their bodies with clay and ashes before emerging from their huts for the walk to the spot where the ceremony will take place.Who ever wins will be called a hero for life, the bodi people believe that being fat is very attractive.

The man above gets overfed with the blood and milk mixture till he has to throw up.

Different Themes
Written by Dondumex

Nigeria's King blogger, entrepreneur and God-lover.