Wednesday 21 May 2014


Rapstar, Lil wayne was hit on the face with a water bottle after he yabbed Marcos maidana's crew.

Ok...this is how the whole thing started.....lil wayne was part of ace boxer, Floyd Mayweather's entourage when he fought with another boxer, Marcos Maidana on May 3rd.
Mayweather as usual won the fight..but while going back to the dressing room, maidana's crew kept chanting songs of victory as if they won the bout...weezy who was standing in the tunnel with his bodyguards then smacked at them saying
"You guys lost. What y'all celebrating for?" ... and that's when Maidana's trainer Robert Garcia (wearing the white baseball hat in the video) turned around a fired a water bottle at Wayne's head.

Wayne went mad with anger and tried to physically respond but was restrained by his aides. In short...just watch the video above and the one after the jump. I sense a fat a*s lawsuit coming the way of Robert garcia.

Different Themes
Written by Dondumex

Nigeria's King blogger, entrepreneur and God-lover.