Monday 28 July 2014

Pastor Tunde Bakare of Latter rain ministries has gotten me and whole lot of other Nigerians on nerve-endings with his recent insinuations. The dark skinned man of cloth at a church service in Lagos urged the Nigerian government to apologise to the Boko haram sect over the murder of their leader/founder, Mohammed Yusuf in 2009.

He says
“But for the timely intervention of God, last week’s assassination attempt on General Muhamadu Buhari might have marked the beginning of the end for Nigeria if it had succeeded. We will not also ignore the fact that at the root of the escalation of the Boko Haram crisis was oppression and injustice.The summary execution of the Boko Haram’s former leader, Mohammed Yusuf in 2009 provided the soil of martyrdom for the nurture and growth of the sect. Government must declare peace first of all; apologising for the murder of Mohammed Yusuf to the sect members not their sympathisers or bandits.”
This man should be investigated...period!!
Different Themes
Written by Dondumex

Nigeria's King blogger, entrepreneur and God-lover.