Saturday 2 August 2014

Some celebrities lie without the fear of God...they lie without shame! How can Yvonne Nelson say she has not worn an earring in 5 years? The picture above was taken at award dinner in it not an earring she has on??.....and she says she can only wear earring in movies.....#whiteliar!

Below is an excerpt from her interview with The fashionista;

How come you do not have any tattoos or extra piercings on your body?
I don’t even like wearing earrings. I haven’t worn any earrings for about five years. I can wear them in a movie but I’m not a fan. I don’t think it adds any extra beauty to a girl. I just don’t like it, it makes me feel uncomfortable and as if I’m overdressed. It makes my face look busy and I don’t like it. I like jewellery; I love wrist watches and rings too. I do not have any tattoo mainly because of the pain. I believe I have a beautiful skin, imagine how I always brag about my legs and I put a tattoo on it, why would I do that? I would not mind getting a tattoo, writing my mother’s first name somewhere on my body but it is just not my style. It is not something I think about. I see it on people and some of them are really nice because it is artistic.
Different Themes
Written by Dondumex

Nigeria's King blogger, entrepreneur and God-lover.

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