Many of us during our younger years heard and believed in many funny superstitions, do not cross over someone,do not use a broom to hit a boy e.t.c.
Well i came across a list of funny superstitions,read them and find out the ones you practiced or still practice,funny none of them work. see list below,
1. "Don't whistle in the sun, if u do snake will come out from their hiding.
2. The more the people that eye a cherry (agbalumo), The sweeter it becomes!
3. Don’t Drink The Water froм A Coconut Else yσυ Automatically Become An Olodo
4. Don't brush your teeth at noon your mom gonna die
5. If sun is shining and raining is falling at the same time, that means a lion is giving birth.
6. Don't let people jump over you, lest u become short.
7. If you put your eye lashes in your parents shoe, it will make them forget the offense you committed.
8. Don't allow people to passover your hand or leg,else u will born a child with one hand or leg or give birth to kids that resemble them.
9. Don't eat any food that falls on the floor,satan has eaten it.
10. Don't eat a Fowl Anus else you will start Gossiping about the Community.
11. If your teacher flogs you, rub the spot with fowl Shit,his/her will swell the next day.
12. If you spit on the floor and someone stepped on it you'll have sore throat
13. Never cross a Pregnant Woman else the Child is gonna Resemble you.
14. After six o'clock, dont pound anything, else the chicks of the hen will die off.
15. Don't Flog Boys with Broom, else their Kokoro (D!ck) will start getting Small or they might turn impotent.
16. A pregnant woman must not walk in the sun around 1-3, else the child will be an imbecile.
17. Do not eat on the road else you wont get satisfied with the food. What if i buy 20 raps of fufu???
18. Do not sweep the top of the table with a broom else you become hungry always/glutton.
19. If you urinate on a particular place everyday it will form a snail
20. Don't play with lizard because if you do and the lizard should make noise you would turn deaf.
21. If your teeth fall off, throw it on top of the zinc alongside some small stones, the lizard will take it and give you another one.
22. Don't stand in front of a mirror at night else you will see evil spirits (demons)
23. If you take goat milk u wont fear anything.
24. Kill lizard cut off the head and any chick that you have been toasting and she kip doing yanga 4 you, place the lizard head exactly on the point she just finished urinating and that girl will now love like mad.
25. Kill a lizard, cut off its head and bury it with 1 or 2 coins after 3days go dig it you will see plenty money(coins).
26. If you kill pepeye (DUCK) bury the head and 7 days later it will change to SNAKE
27. Don't write on the ground at night with your finger else ghost will give you a score.
28. As a kid, whenever you write on the ground[sand] and an ant climbs it, you will automatically becomes an olodo.
29. If you put bar beach water and another water 4 glass cup or anything, them go dey fight until that tin break dem go come separate.
30. Whenever your team wants 2 play a match..bury lizard egg at your goal post.. Your opponent will not be able to score through-out the match.
If you know some that are not here drop them as comments!
if you look at a white pigeon and say "leke leke, give me white finger",the next day you will have white spots on your finger.