He visited Taraba State, the following day, their Governor's plane crashed; he is now brained-dead. He visited Jigawa, few days later, the Governor's brother was arrested for 'money laundry'.
His junior brother was admitted in Aso clinic, few days later. He 'died'. His former NSA who criticised his party openly and a fine gentleman Governor, travelled to his home State, for burial, on their way back, their helicopter 'exploded' mid-air; boith dropped dead along with four others.
What do you think?
nonsense, that is not evidence of badluck, its just a coincident, and all what happening now lies in the hand of the former military rulers who want the power back.Nigeria should seen from 1960 so if you are taking records of leadership, or badluck issue you must start from 1960.We are in a civil rule and the president cannot do anything by fiat. he is doing his best and people should not expect him to behave like a military president, the past president have already ruled before as military before changing to democracy, and they still want more,he is the first elected civilian, it cannot be easy for the first democratic president, the situation in the country should not be count from his regime, think back to what has happened to Nigeria since 1960 !! and you will realize if he to be call bad or good-luck.