Tuesday, 25 December 2012

A 21 year old girl from Zlin, Czech republic is currently recieving treatment in a hospital for drug overdose. the girl (names witheld) allegedly climbed a 40 ft electric pylon after spending 4 fours smoking 'Conc' weed.

She climbed the pylon thinking it was a bridge.Horrified locals spotted the 21-year-old girl - from Zlin, Czech Republic - apparently trying to cross a river and dialed emergency services.
Police spokesman Jan Macalikova said: “It was a nightmare because she was very much under the influence of drugs and wasn’t making much sense.

“She was convinced, though, that the pylon was a bridge across the Morava river.”

Drugs counsellors and police eventually persuaded her to come down after two hours on the pylon.
Different Themes
Written by Dondumex

Nigeria's King blogger, entrepreneur and God-lover.

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