Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Adenuga(L) and Dangote(R)

Alhaji Aliko Dangote, my mentor and fellow billionaire is now the world's 43rd richest person according to Forbes list. which was released last monday. He is still the richest in Africa and the world's richest black man.

He has moved up from his former ranking which was 76 in 2012. Dangote, 55, however, retained his position as the richest man in Africa and the richest among manufacturers in the world with a net worth of $16.1bn.

Adenuga came in at 269 with a networth $4.7bn. They are the only two Nigerians on the list. Mexican Tycoon, Carlos Slim Helu is still toping the list with a networth of $73bn, Bill gates of Microsoft comes in second with $67bn and Amancio Ortega of ZARA comes in third with $57bn.

Different Themes
Written by Dondumex

Nigeria's King blogger, entrepreneur and God-lover.

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