Wednesday 8 May 2013

If you do business at the Balogun Business Association International commerce center, BBA/ICC, inside the Trade fair complex, then it's not news that one of the happening places is the Tetrazzini eatery owned by Donatus Okonkwo, the younger brother of Sen. Annie okonkwo.

But that was then, Now the eatery has been taken over via a court order obtained by GUO motors owned by Chief Godwin Ubaka Okeke, who allegedly bought over the property from the owners without the knowledge of the management of tetrazzini.

The sale which was put around N60 million, became a source of protracted legal action as Tetrazzini management went to court, alleging that the seller contravened the law because they(Tetrazzini), should have been given the ''right of first refusal'' before the property was sold to another buyer since they were the occupants. The case dragged on for a while until GUO came out triumphant.

What followed was a quick expulsion which has left most of the equipment of the former eatery outside at the mercy of the elements.
Different Themes
Written by Dondumex

Nigeria's King blogger, entrepreneur and God-lover.