Wednesday 15 May 2013

General Overseer of Synagogue Church of Nations(SCOAN), Pastor TB Joshua is being attacked by Ghanaian Human rights activists after his Bodyguards detained some Journalists who came to cover a church programme he held in Ghana.

On May 7, 2013, Joshua landed in Accra for a special event at the Spintex Road branch of his church. The whole venue was crowded with people even causing a traffic Jam on the road. 4 journalists were busy covering the event, when some body guards hired by the church to protect Joshua,asked them come into the church promising to give them a better spot to film. On getting into the church, the bodyguards seized the equipment of the journalists and locked them up in a room for several hours.

They were eventually released after the intervention of a top police superintendent. Human rights organizations in Ghana threatened to sue the church over the Illegal detention of the Newsmen. The church has since released an apology.
Different Themes
Written by Dondumex

Nigeria's King blogger, entrepreneur and God-lover.