Saturday, 5 October 2013

Written by the world’s most wanted woman, it is a chilling manifesto for terrorism.‘White widow’ Samantha Lewthwaite spells out over nine scrawled pages her need to murder disbelievers and incites others – including her children – to do the same.

The crumpled A4 manuscript was found in a Kenyan safe house in which she and fellow Islamic extremists were planning an attack on two hotels and a shopping centre. Police also discovered spent AK-47 cartridges and photographs of the 29-year-old’s four children.

The document shows she is grooming them to follow in the footsteps of their father, 7/7 bomber Germaine Lindsay.

read more and see more pictures of the manuscript below....
 Lewthwaite is accused of being behind a foiled terror plot against Western tourist targets in Kenya in Christmas 2011 and a grenade assault on a bar in the Indian Ocean resort of Mombasa last year.

In the manuscript – found alongside a crumpled photograph of what appears to be three of her children – she reveals she is grooming them to follow in the footsteps of her dead 7/7 suicide bomber husband.

She wrote: ‘Recently my beloved husband gave a talk to my eight-year-old son and five-year-old daughter.

‘He asked them what do you want to be when you are older? Both had many answers but both agreed to one of wanting to be a mujahid. He asked them how did they plan to achieve such a goal, and what really is a mujahid?

What makes someone a mujahid? His point to the kids, which I believe to be as relevant to many adults ... was that it is not enough to say I want to be a mujahid yet live your live as [one].’

Since she escaped arrest over the Mombasa plot her children have been on the run with her.It is thought she has married a former Kenyan naval officer called Abdi Wahid.

In her manuscript, Lewthwaite explains how her husband grilled the children on how they hoped to achieve the goal of waging war against non-Muslims and what it will take to follow this path.

She adds: ‘It was my husband’s talk to the kids and then reading the Women’s Role in Jihad that made it clear it was time to put pen to paper and share with others what I was blessed with.’ 

On one page, she even suggests that stories of jihad could be a suitable bedtime read for the children.


Different Themes
Written by Dondumex

Nigeria's King blogger, entrepreneur and God-lover.

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