Friday, 18 July 2014

The biggest question now in the black american entertainment circle is "are Lil wayne and Christina Milan dating?". Unconfirmed rumours have been simmerring for sometime now until last wednesday when Wayne brought Milan as his date to the 2014 ESPY awards.

The YMCMB labelmates were seen holding hands as they made their way to their seats at the Nokia Theatre in L.A. The camera cut to them sitting side-by-side as they watched Drake host the event. funny enough....Christina just broke up with her man, Jas prince. more below....

Now the most interesting part of this whole thing is that, prior to Chritina's break up, Lil Wayne released a track called “Tina Turn Up Needs A Tune Up” where he took subliminal jabs at Jas Prince. The lyrics included, “I’ll take your Tina” (Short for Christina), and “She needs a king, f-ck a prince” (in reference to Jas Prince).

......i think we already know the answer to the question.
Different Themes
Written by Dondumex

Nigeria's King blogger, entrepreneur and God-lover.