Thursday 10 July 2014

Her name is Alma Jamalchi amazon in the making! Funny enough...i knew her personally and belive me she deserves being CU's best graduating student. Right from 100 level, she has been a very hardworking and dedicated student...always early to lectures, prompt with assignments, attentive in class....a bustling lady with ambition and vision. Even with all the stress, she still had time for friends and social fact...i doff my hat for her!

....and did you know she is Charly boy's niece?..well now you know.

Congratulations to you Alma and more grease to your elbow. Read her interview with the Nation below....
Alma Jamachi Oputa is Covenant University’s best graduating student for the 2013/2014 session. Alma who graduated with a CGPA of 4.99 from the department of Computer Science, tells Olafisoye Demilade, how she achieved the enviable feat and plans for future.
Tell us about your background?

I was born in Kaduna and grew up in Kaduna, Jos, Lagos and Owerri. I went to three primary schools, Command Day children school, Jos, Alama private School, Jos and Air force primary school, Victoria Island, Lagos. For my Secondary school, I attended Faith Academy, Ota, Ogun state.

What informed your choice to study computer science?

I studied computer science but it wasn’t my first choice initially. I have always wanted to study medicine since I was a little child. But things didn’t happen as planned and I couldn’t enter in for medicine at Unilag. Covenant University was my second choice and one of my secondary school teachers just picked computer science randomly for me. That was it.

Have you always come out tops since your primary education?

Yes, I have been excelling from my primary school days.

What was your initial reaction when you found out you were the best graduating student?

I felt very honoured and excited. It’s something I have been working on from my 100 level so I expected it. I knew beforehand that I had the highest CGPA in my set and I worked towards it by God’s grace.

What motivated you throughout your University days?

For starters, every semester was less stressful for me and that had to be God at work. Even when work got so cumbersome, I had wonderful friends and we would always tell each other we had to read, excel and do our best because we had goals. My friends were indeed the best! My lecturers were always there to answer any questions I had. I called my parents like everyday on campus and they never stopped encouraging me and telling me I was the best. I had every reason to do my best and come out the best.

What plans do you have now that you have graduated?

I have children in mind. I want to help as many children as I can, I don’t want any child suffering at all. I plan to build NGOs, motherless homes and free schools for these children. I also have some fashion ideas in mind. I want to own my brand of shoes and set up boutiques all around the world.

I also would like to go further in my field of study, computer science, and specialize in a particular area.

Do you still have any plans to study medicine?

Not at all. I can still attain the doctorate title (PhD) but not in the medical field now.

Who would you consider your mentors?

My dad, Bishop David Oyedepo and Ben Carson. My dad has mentored my entire life. It was from my dad I got the mentality that no matter where I found myself, whether I wanted to be there or not, I had to be the best! He told me to prove to people that I was good enough for every aspect of life and I could only do that by being the best. As for Papa (Bishop Oyedepo), I love him so much and I have never had any other spiritual mentor than him. He is a true spiritual father, and as for Ben Carson, I love his calmness, the way he does his jotb and still excels in all of it

What were the challenges you faced in the University and how did you get past them?

I didn’t face any major challenge. I just learnt to put God as a major factor in my life no matter what was happening or how busy my life got. I learnt to give God much of my time.

Describe your typical day while in Covenant University?

My typical day in CU varies based on the activities and plans I have lined up for that day. I wake up, pray, prepare for lectures and look at my to do list so I can plan how I would go about them and how I would use my free periods. After lectures, I go for any meetings and programs I have to attend and eat thereafter. I, then, study in the evenings and at night and I write my to do list for the next day. Afterwards I pray and go to bed.

Did you have time for social activities?

Definitely! I’m a very social person and I love to participate in social events. I’m an extrovert, with a lot of friends. It just boils down to how well you are able to manage your time.

How has life after graduation been so far?

Well, I find myself thinking and planning a lot. I’m already in a position where I have to decide a lot for myself now. By the grace of God and by total dependence in God, I’m working towards fulfilling God’s agenda for my life.
Different Themes
Written by Dondumex

Nigeria's King blogger, entrepreneur and God-lover.


  1. hello my name is chibueze ndubuisi a fresh 2014/ 2015 CU student of computer science. I read the article and i like your ( Alma's ) qualities, so i would like to get in touch with you as regards to the academic issues. So if you don't mind i would love to get your mobile number and email. Also my email: . Thank you so so much for your help, LOVE THE BLOG !

  2. hello my name is chibueze ndubuisi a fresh 2014/ 2015 CU student of computer science. I read the article and i like your ( Alma's ) qualities, so i would like to get in touch with you as regards to the academic issues. So if you don't mind i would love to get your mobile number and email. Also my email: . Thank you so so much for your help, LOVE THE BLOG !
