50 is just a clown..a very big one!
In the spirit of the ongoing ALS ice bucket challenge, rapper 50 cent has dared former friend and boxing champion, Floyd Mayweather to a rather funny but kinda demeaning challenge. In a video he posted on his instagram page, 50 dared Mayweather to read one full page of a harry potter book without stopping or stuttering and that if he did it well, he(50 cent) will donate $750,000 to any charitable organisation of Floyd's choice.
In 50's words;
“This is a special [ALS/ESL] challenge for you, Floyd,If you can read one full page of a ‘Harry Potter’ book, n*gga! I’ll give $750,000 to whatever charitable organization you want to,”(continue)
“Without starting and stopping or f—–g up,” he added in the video’s description. these two feuding former friends have been at each others neck for some time now with 50 at the fore front. He has taken much delight in poking fun at Mayweather and his romantic troubles this summer, taking every opportunity to remind the fighter that his ex-fiancée,Shantel Jackson, left him for the rapper Nelly.