Tuesday 21 January 2014

Omo! Technology is becoming another thing entirely! A new application for Google glass has emerged and its called S*x with Google Glass.

The app also lets couples see s*x through their partner’s eyes by streaming the view from their respective device.S*x with Google Glass was developed by Lebanese product design student Sherif Maktabi during the Wearable Hackathon event in London in November. 

Explaining why he created the app, Maktabi said: ‘We want to change the way people experience things.We love using design and strategy to disrupt at scale. So when we asked ourselves the question "How can we make s*x more awesome with Google Glass?" We came up with S*x with Glass.'

The app is controlled via voice commands. For example, saying ‘Ok glass, it’s time’ begins the recording and streaming process.

Wearers can then either film their partner during s*x, or swipe the side of the device to change the view and perspective.

This includes streaming the footage being recorded by the camera on their partner’s device.

Once intercourse is over, wearers say ‘Ok glass, pull out’ and Glass will create a video of the event. This video can be replayed for up to five hours before being automatically deleted from the app.

Different Themes
Written by Dondumex

Nigeria's King blogger, entrepreneur and God-lover.