Sunday 16 March 2014

Reader's mail,

Dear friends, I am shocked and I have nobody to share, that’s why I address this to you. I am an independent woman, middle age, educated, well looking.I had several relations with men,4 exactly, which fizzled out, because of complete incompatibility. Finally I’ve met the man of my dreams – beautiful, intelligent, tender, kind. I fell in love, so he did.

I was about to faint when I saw him for the first time without clothes, I’ m serious. I could not believe, a man 190m.tall, with wide shoulders, has p*nis with the size of my thumb, and his balls together are like an average chestnut! I am a fine woman, with small hands, by the way.He was a very passionate and we made s*x five times, each time for 35-40minutes. We were together second time, the same thing.He was very tender and lustful, but I felt nothing, just a tickle. I’ve realized that “the size doesn’t matter” is just a myth, and somebody with a small p*nis, should have think it out. I have some experience; I don’t come from the clouds!

I ran out in panic, I didn’t turn back, and he didn’t understand why. I saved him the humiliation, but I left him in total ignorance, and I feel really disgusting, because I still love him, but without good s*x a relation is set aside, on my opinion.

With my experience I know there are different help sources and techniques, but nothing can replace a good penis, that’s my opinion, of course. I expect your comments.

Different Themes
Written by Dondumex

Nigeria's King blogger, entrepreneur and God-lover.

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