Tuesday 3 June 2014

This Oyinbo people will not kill somebody oo....Now i know why my father has refused to do online banking...Never doubt the wisdom of an old ibo man..lol!

The Crime Agency UK has issued a warning to all computer Users warning them of a virus called Gameover Zeus that can cost you a bootload of Cash.The software installs itself on a computer when the victim clicks on a link in an unsolicited email or via a website.It then sends out more emails to lure further victims, without the knowledge of the computer users, and spreads quickly across the internet.
The virus lays dormant until it spots an opportunity to steal personal details such as online banking information and passwords.It then transmits this information back to the criminal network who use it to drain the victim’s accounts.

If the user is not a ‘viable’ victim then the software locks the information on the computer and holds it to ransom.At the moment the software demands one Bitcoin, an untraceable form of online currency favoured by criminals, which is around £300. Although the virus has been shut off the net as announced by the U.S. Department of Justice yesterday, they also warn that there will be more like GOZ, as Hackers will not relent. Gamover Zeus botnet is responsible for losses amounting to $100 million.

Here are a few ways to Protect your system,

  • Block email attachments containing executable files or ZIP files with executable files like EXE and SCR.
  • Use vulnerability mitigation software to make up for unpatched software and avoid getting hit by exploit kits. The Microsoft Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) has a proven track record of protecting from attacks—including rare zero-days—before software patches are even available. Also, EMET can be managed in corporate environments using Group Policies.
  • Install antivirus software. Although not perfect, antivirus software can still catch a large percentage of malware and reduce noise. Free antivirus software such as Microsoft Security Essentials or AVG Free are just as good as commercial offerings, so don’t feel like you have to pay money to get a good product.
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Written by Dondumex

Nigeria's King blogger, entrepreneur and God-lover.