Saturday, 29 December 2012

A ‘smart watch’ with a touch screen is being developed secretly by Apple as reported by Chinese online sites. Apple is working with chipmaker Intel on a wrist-worn gadget that has a 1.5inch screen and uses Bluetooth to communicate with other gadgets, which could include an iPhone.

The ‘iWatch’ will go on sale next year, the report claims.

Chinese site Tech.163 claims Intel has developed a Smart Watch that Apple is interested in.The in question has a 1.5 OLED display with indium tin oxide, or ITO coated glass, and uses Bluetooth to communicate with a user’s iPhone.It is believed the iWatch will run a version of iOS, the same software as the iPhone and iPad, allowing apps to be easily downloaded.
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Written by Dondumex

Nigeria's King blogger, entrepreneur and God-lover.

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