Do you know how bad a lady feels when she discovers her man has been going under the sheets with another woman? do you know how heart piercing the pain is? well , most women and girls have gone through it so they know what i mean.
Now generally speaking, many females believe that whenever their man cheats,it's either because he was ''jazzed'' or he wanted some form of revenge for a wrong doing, while some believe that it's part of their nature, in their words ''Meeenn, they never change''. but frankly speaking, is your man enjoying the relationship?
Most women are selfish,now don't get me wrong,they take and don't give, giving i don't mean sex, the giving i mean is genuine love, notice i stated genuine love, love according to some women, is washing his clothes,cooking his food,cleaning his bedroom....... i mean that's a normal thing, love involves emotioon, when two people are in love, an "emotional synergy" exists between them, they understand each other, they read each others feelings, she knows what he can do and what he can not do, she knows what makes him tick and he knows what makes her tick. now... pause ask your self this question, what is my man's favorite color? funny enough many women do not know this, now it sounds stupid like why would i want to know my partner's favorite color?, love is detailed, little things like this matter, when there is love, you would know your partner inside out.
Secondly ask yourself what do i do to my guy that would make him never to leave me, i did not say you should go and visit a local shaman,haha... just kidding, back to business, Life is a competition, you compete with external factors in order to survive, if you are not a competitor you won't survive, satisfy your man in a way that he would believe that he got you out of luck. i am not saying you should be monitoring his every move and being over possessive, i mean knowing how to push his buttons, know how to approach him, understand his emotions and giving him his personal space, satisfying his sexual needs.
Thirdly, how is your sexual life, are you the type that let's the man do all the work? then if you are, that's where you get it wrong,practice give and take, do some work too,experiment,try new moves, spice up the sex life,try foreplay.... make it fun.
And also learn to trust your instincts, as a lady know when to stand your grounds, men generally do not like 'Sheepish' women, women who succumb to every rule and instruction, whenever he makes a statement and you don't like it, speak up but don't shout, make him see reasons with you, he might not be happy at the moment but when he is alone he will feel good that yes he has someone whom he can share thoughts and ideas with, someone who sees reason and can advise him.
Lastly, ladies Enjoy your man, whenever you notice he is talking to you in a way you do not like and treating you in ways you do not like, give him space, let him look for you and when he comes do not follow him cheaply, make him know your importance, let him work to get you back.
Hope you enjoyed this article, you can drop your comments and questions.