Saturday, 30 March 2013

Beiber's bodyguard restraine him as he tries to attack a Photog

If you an avid reader of celebrity stories and a Justin Beiber fan, you will notice the popstar has been exhibiting some really strange behaviours lately.

some months ago,the 19 year old was photographed smoking weed with a couple of friends and that really gave a lot of his fans a different perception of his personality,also not so long after that his car(Ferrari) was also involved in the death of a Photographer.

Some weeks ago,he also went off on a paparazzi and threatened to kill him .

His monkey was seized at an airport in Germany because he illegally smuggled it into the plane.

He is currently in trouble for spitting and raining curses on a neighbour, who was advising him to stop driving recklessly in the neighbourhood. All these strange behaviours began to show up ever since he broke with Selena Gomez and he started rolling with YMCMB's Lil twist.

Many have been warning him to stay off lil twist but the two seem to be really good friends. if this guy doesn't change ...i am telling you he will one great man of God used to say 'You can have all the money in the world, but without character you don't have a future'.

if Beiber continues this way...the outcome will be bad! take a look at lindsay lohan now...she is a popular..a celeb...hollywood star but now she is being called a thief,liar and a hooligan. she narrowly escaped jail, but was sentenced to 90 days lockdown in Rehab.4

Different Themes
Written by Dondumex

Nigeria's King blogger, entrepreneur and God-lover.

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